That’s the question isn’t it?
When I was younger I daydreamed of this time.:
“Imagine not having to get up to that damn alarm? Imagine being able to do what I want anytime I want.”
Yeah. Imagine that.
So now here it is. Retirement. I’m lucky to be here for starters, there was more than one time the chances of my living this long were right up there with the chances of the Lions going to the Super Bowl.
I’m also lucky I was able to stumble into a career that allowed me to get to this point, although in truth this is also a career where being a grey beard is not a plus. I think a fair amount of my co-workers eye me and wonder “When is this old fart going to give it up already?”
I’ve been through three different leadership changes and three different department names. I could tell you about that time we lost power three times in one day .. oh .. I see your eyes rolling up into your head. (Remember what I said about us grey beards?)
So OK. It’s time. I’ve tentatively been throwing July around but like a reluctant groom I haven’t bought the ring yet. Some of it is money. Not earning any is worrisome, but if I get low on dough I can get a job eh? But then hell if I’m gonna do that why retire at all? So maybe it’s not money – maybe it’s the question of what am I going to go with my free time. I’ve been fortunate to be able to work from home these last months and my wife is suffering deeply for it. Daily questions like “What’s for lunch” and “What do you think this thing on my neck is?” are taking a toll on her. I worry about her.
I could do some Olympic style napping, I’ve always wanted to catch up on my sleep but then what to do at night?
Who will I be once I’m retired? Ahh that’s it. That’s what is holding me back. I can be a husband, a dad, a grandpa and a dog owner. Those all have duties associated with them, not the least my dog owner duties, Champ the dog is plenty disgusted with me seeing as I only let him in and out of our patio door fifty times a day.
So, yeah I can stay busy and I guess I don’t care what I do as long as I’m not bored. Or dead.