A message from the Democrat liberal elite:
- We eat imported chocolates and drink eight dollar lattes all day while laughing at farmers and people who work with their hands.
- We want open borders. The more Mexicans the better, this is because we hate America.
- We styme every move the Republicans make to fix things because as everyone knows we control the government. Don’t let those Republicans who are in the majority tell you anything different!
- We love abortion and celebrate everytime the Supreme court says it’s still legal.
- We don’t stand for the Allegiance at football games because we don’t go to football games. Are you crazy or what? I don’t think they even have a decent oxygen bar at those things.
- We loved Barack Obama – mostly because we knew it angered all you goobers out there living the true authentic life. You know, life like you hear on the radio, pickup trucks, dogs and (ugg) beer in bottles.
- A lot of us are gay. We do this mostly to gross you out but also because we get to wear such fabulous clothes.
Really gurl!!
- A lot of us are gay. We do this mostly to gross you out but also because we get to wear such fabulous clothes.
- We don’t really believe in marriage. A lot of us have only done it once and you know about the gay thing. We do love those marriages. Again, it’s because it pisses the goobers off.
- Most of us don’t work – or if we do it’s some kind of high brow book learning endeavour. Not real work, shoot, most of us come home from work and don’t have to shuck our clothes off on the back porch or hang our shoes out on the clothesline.
- We are also secretly on welfare. Sure we have jobs and some of us make some serious wages, but still we got the hookup. ‘Cause we’re part of the liberal elite.
- Most of us have three or four Obama phones.
- Now that the economy is booming I imagine many of you have
three or four jobs now, so get to work and keep those taxes rolling in.
- Now that the economy is booming I imagine many of you have
Thanks for reading this – it’s time for me to check in and get my daily orders from Rachel Maddow and George Soros.