I feel ya.
I have a lot of Republican friends and family who are suffering right now.
They’re kinda backed into a corner and they know that soon they will have to make a choice. They’ve spent their lives doing the right thing, loving their families, paying their bills, most go to church regularly and pray for strength to continue doing the next right thing, the things that define their lives.
But soon they’ll have to make a choice. About him.
He checked off all the right boxes. He was strong on right to life, steady on the second amendment he talked about concepts like “America First” and seeing that everyone who wanted / needed to work could get a job. And for some the most important trait that he possessed:
He irritated the libs. “Bigly!”
But now things are changing, he’s changing.
Some might say his true character is appearing. He has shown little to no regard for the checks and balances that has sustained this country for decades.
He believes (much like Nixon) that: “When the President does it, that means that it is not illegal”
His white house has literally stopped holding press briefings, forcing journalists to spend their days interviewing hacks, hangers-on and each other all the while imagining what the President is doing or thinking.
When they get something wrong (sometimes due to malice but often due to poor information management) he call the press “Fake News” and “Enemies of the People.” These phrases, by the way, have been seen and heard in totalitarian regimes throughout history.
So what are my Republican friends to do? Quite frankly we who are on the opposite side have not made their lives easy. I regularly brace my right minded friends with today’s flagrant misdeed or ignorant tweet just to make them scamper around and defend the indefensible. It’s been depressing and fun at the same time.
But now I’m wondering if it isn’t time to call the Mercy rule. You remember that from grade school, right? When the other team was hopelessly behind and making them struggle to the end of the game was cruel.
So you called the game – for Mercy.
Is that where we are now?
The Republican leaders who have stood by this empty shell must surely be sick to their souls by now. The President of the United States used to be referred to as the “The Leader of the Free World” now he’s just “Him.”
Do they need a “Mercy time out?”
Right now they all seem to be like the spoiled husband standing in front of the refrigerator baying “I can’t see the milk” when indeed the milk is right in front of his eyes.
Is this what they have gone into politics for? Each of them right now could name countless others that would be far better holding the highest office in America. Instead they are forced to support this foolish, vain tweeting, ego driven monster.
So yeah, lets call a Mercy time out. Let’s give them a chance to redeem themselves. The Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire is scheduled to testify to the House Intelligence Committee this week. If he releases the whistleblower complaint, as he is required by law to do, then we shall proceed apace. Republicans would be wise to encourage this.
Impeachment proceeding should begin Friday and my Republican friends will have to make that choice.