Monthly Archives: July 2023
Mom’s Diary
I’ve had my Mom’s diary for a while now. It was one of those deals where I lied to myself “I’m gonna read that soon ..” So I recently did start reading it and I made a few posts on the book of Faces about it. Some of it is funny – for instance my Mother who seemed to think we kids shouldn’t be sleeping in past 8AM was often guilty of the same thing when she was a teen. I imagine my Grandpa never knew that she “got up at 1:30” since he was up with the cows at sunrise every morning. My mother led a pretty charmed life of parties and movies as a teen and it makes me happy considering she died so young.
I decided recently to ‘digitize’ her diary. This was nothing more sophisticated than setting up a tripod and taking pictures of each page. Kinda tedious but worth the effort.
Her diary is laid out in a odd way (although I admit that I never had a diary) each page has a row for each day of the year. So the first page is Jan 1 and each row is a different year. Mom was pretty diligent for the first three years but it became real spotty after that.
I’ve had some family members ask to read this and I will soon be giving the actual diary over to them but I encourage those of you who would like to read this now to click on the next link and get started.
The format is relatively simple click on the first image and then use the arrow keys to move forward (or backward) in time. Some of the pages may be out of order (not sure why) so please watch the dates on the top of the photos. The images are split up over several pages so you’ll want to move into the next pages as you read.
I don’t have a Mac or Windows machine so I don’t know for sure how it’s going to work on those so let me know.
Even though my Mom has long left this life I still want to keep her privacy so access to the next pages are password protected and I ask that you respect this modest boundary. Contact me on FB Messenger or devine.steve AT and I’ll shoot you the password.