Have I told you I wrote a book? Two of ’em in fact. You might say:
“How nice for Steve ..” or “La-de-da, Steve’s an author.”
Author? Not really, cause authors get read. The hard part about writing a book, story or dirty joke is not the writing so much as it is corralling people to read it and recommend it to others.
I get it. After all my book might suck and then what? What do you say to me assuming we are friends, family etc?
Here’s the good news. It doesn’t suck. This isn’t just me saying this but somewhere between three or ten thousand readers have told me so.
Sure, there are some typos, grammatical errors and the plot meanders a little bit but hell if the world can forgive Billy Joel for the world’s laziest line “he’s talking to Davy who’s still in the Navy” then surely you can forgive me for a few run-on sentences. Right?
Here’s the best part, I never know who has bought / downloaded my book. It’s totally anonymous. Amazon doesn’t tell me who buys it.
This means you can get this book, read it and then judge me without me even knowing about it.
For two dollars and ninety-nine cents, half what you’d pay for a double double caf caf half-caf, blueberry infused coffee-like drink you can have the satisfaction of saying “I knew he couldn’t write his way out of a paper bag.”
Or maybe you’ll like it… Click to go to my latest book.
Either way it’ll be your secret to keep.
Unless you decide to write a review .. please, please please.