Orange Is The New Red.
Scene opens in the Trump Library.
Magazine racks stand in the center of the room lined with issues featuring Mr. Trumps face on the main page.
Donald is standing for a portrait. He is wearing gold satin pants and a Huey Lewis tee-shirt. We see in the portrait that he his dressed in a business suit standing behind a podium with the Presidential seal on it. An artist stands with his back to the camera, he is dressed in typical artist attire including the jaunty French beret. He is brushing the trademark tan onto Mr. Trumps canvas likeness.
Paul Manafort enters the room. He is carrying a brown leather notebook. Good morning Mr. Trump.
Donald: Morning Paul, hey you remember Pablo. right? He’s my official artist. This painting will likely be in my Presidential Library. I’m thinking Atlantic City. What do you think?
Manafort: Good morning Pablo.
Artist mumbles: Not Pablo, my name is Richard.
Donald: Remember what I said Pablo, get this one right and I’ll pay you for the last one too.
Manafort pulls a stool up and opening his notebook asks: You wanted to speak to me?
Donald: Yeah, Melania and I watched Sharknado and Sharknado 2 last night. Have you seen it?
Manafort: Uh .. no.
Donald: Its fantastic I tell you. Yuuge. She’s gonna go out and get three and four so we can watch it tonight. You should come – we’ve got that Russian vodka you like.
Manafort: Uh, well I’ve got to go to New York this morning. I’m scheduled on Blitzer’s show.
Donald: Oh yeah .. well say hi to Wolf. Great hair. Fantastic. So anyways these movies are yuuge. See its a tornado — so you got that – its fantastic, I tell you. Then you see these sharks. Ha Ha. Sharks come riding in on these tornado waves. Its an amazing thing, I tell you. I’ve got Miller on it.
Manafort: Miller?
Donald looks at Paul quizzically for a moment and then laughs: Ha, no the real one. Steven, not John. Remember I hired him last month? Communication director. Little snot that keeps deleting my tweets?
Any ways — I’m thinking we put together a movie.
Manafort leans forward: Wait, what?
Donald: Great idea huh? I have all the best ones. We’ll call it “Trumpnado.”
Manafort sits with his mouth open.
Donald: See, we can have the tornado tear up Pennsylvania Ave right up capital hill. I come out of the clouds and kick Ryan’s ass and throw Obama out into the street. It’ll be yugge I tell you. Classic. A box office hit!
Manafort: Uhh …
Donald: See if you can work it into the interview with Wolf today.
Manafort: I don’t think I can work that in.
Donald: Sure you can.
Manafort: No sir, I can’t.
Donald puffs his cheeks out and scratches his head looking off into the distance. He is consulting with himself on this. A large long lock of hair slips down the side of his head.
Manafort lowers his head and waits.
Donald snaps his fingers: OK, heres what we do. Call up Jeffery Lord and then Christie. Tell ’em I’m giving five hundred bucks to the first one that mentions Trumpnado on the air.
Manafort: I’m not sure that’s a good idea, sir …
Trump: No, it’ll work. Trust me. Christie’s starving out there.
Five hundred ‘s more than enough. You want a side bet? Like with the David Duke thing? My moneys on Lord for this one. Christie’s moving slow lately. We’re gonna win this thing I promise you.
Scene ends with a hairdresser putting Donald’s hair back together, a cloud of hairspray surrounds his head as “Hail to the Chief” plays in the background.